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Children are curious. It’s a great trait and helps them learn about the world around them. But curiosity can become dangerous when it involves electricity. It is up to the adults in their lives to keep them safe and teach them about electricity.
Different ages need different information. You need to present the information in age-appropriate ways and always model safe behaviour around electricity. When babies and toddlers, it’s up to the adults to keep an eye out and to limit their exposure to risky situations. You don’t want your teething baby gnawing on an electrical cord. As they get older, you can start introducing more complex information. An important fact you should always start with is even though you can’t see electricity, you need to be aware of it because it is dangerous. If this seems overwhelming, remember the best way to teach your kids is to model good, safe behaviour. Children are always watching and copying the adults in their lives.
Why is electricity so dangerous? Well, electricity always finds the quickest way to the ground. This is dangerous for humans because our bodies are excellent conductors of electricity making us an excellent path for electricity to take. Please remember no shock is a safe shock. Always seek medical attention because what can seem like a little shock can have serious consequences. Electrical shocks can have a range of symptoms from headaches and spasms to major burns, loss of vision and/or hearing to death.
To help you keep your loved ones safe, here are some things you can do and teach your children:
Outlets are a great temptation for curious children. So: